B. Believe and Behave
Believe God for the answers. Use them to BLESS in every way. Little secret things and open kindly things.
Behave… Seek God’s answers for yourself as you learn discipline and to be his love example. He loved you enough to die for you…. That is the greatest love in the world. When you believe that… you will come to love the YOU HE died for. Put guilt and shame behind you and march forward in his grace.
E. Engage and Encourage
Engage: Make special time, love is spelled time and trust. Trust is a MUST and you have to teach her how to trust you. Trust is earned.
Encourage: Be encouraged that with the Lord Jesus all things are possible. Dump your guilt… that is what feeds depression. Look for ways to bless your family without pressure. Ask your little ones what you can do to help them. Share with them…
That means when you are discouraged or depressed, smile and keep moving. Look for a blessing in everything. “Bless the Lord oh My SOUL and ALL that is within me.”
S. Speak and Share Love with a Smile
Speak to Jesus: Pray and Praise him. Take a 7 day ask fast. Don’t ask the Lord for anything. Claim who He is and talk to him in praise. Don’t give ORDERS! Thank him that He is greater than anything that can come against you and your family. Listen to your own words, because the Enemy of Easter will use them against you, make them positive. When things get rough, smile and say “Thank You Jesus… you are in control. I am following you.”
T. Turn and Trust.
Turn every thought and deed over to Jesus. Don’t forget HE loves you. He wants you to be love on parade so that those who are going your way or the other way can see his love in you and can trust him … and you with their love…
Trust HIM with everything… Don’t just live this in your household, but live it in your workplace, your worship place and every place. Jesus came and gave his BEST…. WE have it and his plan is for US to give it away…
BEST: Love Talk Network www.lovetalknetwork.com