If the gospel of Jesus is such good news, why is it that less than 5% of all professing Christians have ever led a person to Christ? Do tongue tied Christians fear failure? Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world, are we to believe that complacency is the complaint?
Maybe it is simple, a religious mindset makes sharing on a real and personal level a stretch. Here are some simple steps of faith to get off the pew & out of the box. You may wonder what is so important about stepping out in faith…stepping out means walking with Jesus.
1. Ask the Holy Spirit. Apart from the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing. On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached the gospel in a public place. 3k came to believe in Christ as the Messiah!
2. Look for opportunity. Being led by Holy Spirit requires us to open our hearts and eyes. Peter & John (Acts 3:1-3) saw the lame man in need of healing and responded to God’s prompting. Do you see what God sees?
3. Expect a miracle. God’s people are made for anticipation. How & where will we see God work next? Expect to see God at work not only in the church but in the city square. Are you willing to pray and see what happens?
4. Be willing to go. Jesus went to the remote and least likely places to share himself and the truth of God. Sometimes we have to get off the highway to get on the path with God.
5. Look for the need. This is not a ‘go with the flow’ model. Look for the crisis and be a first responder in faith. One miracle can set a city on fire!
6. Cross the tracks. Many times we play it safe – not mixing with others who are different from us. Jesus hung out with sinners. What barriers are you willing to cross to get to Jesus?
What is it about GO & TELL that we have trouble with? If you believe in the early church of acts, then let’s be a model to a world that has yet to hear and believe the good news of the gospel.
Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of the Mordecai Project (themordecaiproject.org). You can follow him on Twitter at @leegrady. He is the author of Fearless Daughters of the Bible and other books.