“Righteousness exalts a nation, and sin is a reproach to any people.”
-Prov. 14:34
Common Belief
A decent nation is made up of decent people who live honest, caring, right lives. Americans have served as freedom fighters, food providers, health care givers for the world’s poor and oppressed. The Statue of Liberty promises send me, These tempest tossed and homeless and I will lift my lamp of light beside he golden door.
Two hundred and thirty-six years ago, our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in the cause of liberty so that America could gain independence from British rule and secure its own destiny. Most Young Americans believe in the American Constitution and know that the principles of liberty and freedom outlined in the Declaration of Independence are as relevant in 2012 as they were in 1776.
69% say political leaders do NOT reflect the interests of young Americans, and just 31% approved of the President’s handling of youth unemployment.
57% also say they will learn more about the policy positions of presidential candidates in the 2012 election than they did in 2008.
Generation Opportunity, one of the largest groups in the nation educating and mobilizing young Americans ages 18-29 with more than 3.4 million Facebook fans and an extensive grassroots field program, rolled out a new online effort on July 4th Independence Day holiday. The initiative, called “Sign the Declaration,” encouraged young adults to reaffirm the principles of the Declaration of Independence by symbolically signing the document themselves online. generationopportunity.org/independence-day. Generation Opportunity’s flagship Facebook page, “Being American by GO,” surged past 1.5 million fans, fueled by the intense patriotism and strong belief in America
It is time for all Americans to
- Affirm commitment to principles of liberty
- Honor action & sacrifice
- Respect our nation and the freedoms we enjoy today,
- Remain vigilant in the defense of liberty and life
- Pray for those in authority
Happy 236 birthday to America!
Love Talk is for everyone
To bring help, hope, humor & honesty
And, heaven’s presence into the lives of all who listen
It is no secret – What God can do!