Flying through the Midwest in the summertime means one thing: turbulence. An experienced flight attendant is usually prepared for these times. On one particular flight the plane hit a patch of very rough air. A teenager, obviously on her first flight, had just entered the bathroom.
After the bumps had subsided, she staggered out of the bathroom, with a look of sheer terror etched on her face.
“Are you all right?” asked the flight attendant as she helped her to her seat.
“Don’t worry, that turbulence was as bad as it gets.”
“So that’s what it was,” the young girl said. “I thought I’d pushed the wrong button.”
Many of us live life going from one new experience to another. Terror to horror! Shakeups to melt-downs! Pushing every button we think can make the pain go away.
As we travel through life, we must remember to leave the “shake-ups” of yesterday behind and not let them become a jail of guilt or shame.
While that is hard to do, there is a helper who holds a “holy eraser” and is ready and willing to wipe the bumps of life clean. His name is Jesus!
Editor’s Note: For a free copy of God’s Love Plan, write Publisher, P O Box 170069, Austin, TX 78729-0069