Within the God-given wisdom of our founding documents, we have been granted clear and certain ways for bringing about change concerning those things that we perceive are wrong in our beloved land. All the resources of Almighty God and His Word are available to us. He rules in the affairs of men, and nothing is too hard for Him. He is the sovereign King of the universe, with all power and authority, and He is compassionate, gracious and ready to extend his love and mercy to those willing to obey and trust Him.
When God spoke to America’s founding fathers, they put together and gifted us with powerful governing documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and others. They leaned on their Christian heritage and common understanding of law, government, social order and morality. These sprang from the system of moral and social values that originates from the Old & New Testament.
Whether each of the Founding Fathers was a committed Christian is not the issue. Their writings, their statements and their voting power is evidence that the majority of these leaders embraced God’s guiding principles as the basis for a civilized, orderly nation.
Built into the American spirit is a willingness to give an honest day’s work for honest pay. Another is the desire to improve one’s station in life through work and not class or status. America has been a model of honest work to the next generation. We respect those who lead through hardwork, not titles or entitlement. We give honor to those who do not expect charity, a people willing to give a hand-up not a hand-out.
WHAT DOES SCRIPTURE SAY WITH REGARD TO WORK? If you think that the debate in society today is heated, take a look at this – “Our orders—backed up by the Master, Jesus—are to refuse to have anything to do with those among you who are lazy and refuse to work the way we taught you. Don’t permit them to freeload on the rest. We showed you how to pull your weight when we were with you, so get on with it. We didn’t sit around on our hands expecting others to take care of us. In fact, we worked our fingers to the bone, up half the night moonlighting so you wouldn’t be burdened with taking care of us. And it wasn’t because we didn’t have a right to your support; we did. We simply wanted to provide an example of diligence, hoping it would prove contagious. 10-13Don’t you remember the rule we had when we lived with you? “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.” And now we’re getting reports that a bunch of lazy good-for-nothings are taking advantage of you. This must not be tolerated. We command them to get to work immediately—no excuses, no arguments—and earn their own keep. Friends, don’t slack off in doing your duty. 14-15If anyone refuses to obey our clear command written in this letter, don’t let him get by with it. Point out such a person and refuse to subsidize his freeloading. Maybe then he’ll think twice. But don’t treat him as an enemy. Sit him down and talk about the problem as someone who cares. – 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
It’s never been about judging the attitudes of others. How does God ask us to allow Him to work through us in the workplace?
□ Make the 1st meeting of the day with God
□ Know your CEO, the battle is the Lords.
□ Pack each day with power, know God’s Word
□ Put an ad in Help Wanted, The Holy Spirit desires to equip & mature you
□ Team up, The Holy Spirit is a perfect teammate
□ Work in Progress, you are the work
□ Look for God, in every face you see
□ Employ God’s character & principles, this is the road to success
□ Economic Forecast, Humility gives great insight
□ Pursue your weakness, work exposes sin
□ Want change? Repentance is real change for the heart
□ Alter your worklife, at the altar of God
□ Skip the water cooler, let your cubicle be your prayer closet
□ Pass the paperwork to Jesus, hand the issue to God
□ Watch your tongue not the clock
□ Praise is Power, God is greater than the one in the world
□ Thankfulness is the true reward
□ Run the race with Grace
□ Finish well in the love field you are planted
□ Get Help, Jesus is the great counselor in time of strife and conflict
“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12).