Tomorrow, the OCC shoe boxes will be arriving from all over Central Texas to continue their journey to hearts around the world who don’t know Jesus. Our OCC prayer shield will be there blessing every box as it is loaded on the 18 wheelers. This will continue until Monday when pickup trucks, UHaul trucks and trailers arrive from the relay centers and churches to drop their boxes off for us to pray over and get loaded. The goal this year is 30,001. The 1 represents the 1 out of 99 & 9 that would make 100% for Jesus Followers in Central Texas .
Join us in prayer wherever you are at noon as people across America will be praising our Abba Father for people like you who love Jesus and…. love the little children of the world. Thank you for praying, giving and working toward the biggest “love project” in the world that delivers Jesus’ love in a shoebox.